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Neighborhood Treatments

If you find that you have Fire Ants, you can call at any time to have individual mounds treated by calling us 
at 714-971-2421 or 949-654-2421 to have a service request generated or submit an online request.

To find your neighborhood treatment date:

  • Enter your Neighborhood Id Number into the search field below.
  • The number is on the postcard you received in the mail.
  • If you did not receive a postcard in the mail, you are not currently scheduled for a neighborhood treatment.
  • Please enter the number in this format: NT-###-#####
  • For example: NT-042-28860
  • Results appear at the bottom of this page

Please take care to correctly enter your Neighborhood ID.
If the search returns no results, please check your number and re-enter it in the search field.

If you received no postcard, then you are not currently scheduled for a neighborhood treatment.

You can call at any time to have individual mounds treated by calling us at
714-971-2421 or 949-654-2421 to have a service request generated.

The flag and visual survey dates are subject to change due to time constraints and staff availability.

If it rains on your neighborhood's scheduled treatment date, your treatment may not be rescheduled until after July 2017. If you are finding mounds and you still need a treatment or additional treatments that are not already scheduled, please contact our office at your earliest convenience and have a service request generated for your home.

If you experience difficulty, would like to confirm dates, or you would like to opt out of treatment, call us at 714-971-2421 or 949-654-2421.